Youth Pastor Bryan Childs

Preacher Mitch Phillips

Church Leadership

Childrens Minister Amy Phillips

Bryan is a Gordon County native. He graduated from Calhoun High School in 1990. He is married to Jennifer Childs and they have three college-age children; Alyssa, Brooke and Easton.  They enjoy traveling and outdoor activities.  He is bi-vocational and works for Southern Company as a Corrosion Technician.  He answered his call to preach in 1997.  He served as a youth pastor and senior pastor in two local churches prior to moving to Sugar Valley in 2020. Bryan has a great passion for youth and mission work.  He desires to make disciples of the next generation that they may win their world for Christ.  We have a lot of fun in youth, but also grow in our relationship with God, support each other and take the gospel into our community.  We would love for you to join us!

Spouse: Debra Phillips

    Favorite Verse: Phil. 1:6    

Mitch was born and raised in Gordon County and has continued to live in the area surrounding Calhoun.  Mitch attended Calhoun City Schools and graduated in 1975.  In1978 Mitch married Debra Lewis.  He is often referred to as "cookie" or "cookie man" because he worked for the Lance Snack Food Co. for over 16 years serving the greater Calhoun area.  While Mitch was working for Lance, he and his wife Debra served as Youth Ministers at Sonoraville Baptist Church from 1985-1990.  In 1991, Mitch left Sonoraville to become pastor for Trinity Baptist.  He served as pastor at Trinity Baptist from 1991-1993.  In 1994, Mitch began to pastor at SVBC on a bi-vocational basis and then in 1997 he was called to be full time pastor at SVBC.

  Favorite verse: John 15:33

Welcome to Sugar Valley Children’s Ministry! I am so excited to get to know you and your children as we learn about Jesus and grow a stronger relationship with Him and with each other. God has called me to work with children, and I am thankful for the opportunities He has given me to fulfill that calling. 

I have been working with the Children’s Ministry of Sugar Valley Baptist for more than 20 years. In addition to presenting the Bible study curriculum on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, I have also enjoyed serving in many different roles at SVBC, including Sunday School teacher, AWANA leader, Vacation Bible School teacher, worship leader, and director, children’s Christmas musical director, and summer camp coordinator and leader. 

In addition to working with the children of Sugar Valley Baptist, I have also taught in a public school system in the Gordon County community since 2005. I received a degree in early childhood education, and I am highly qualified to work with children. I am currently working as the music teacher at Calhoun Elementary School. 

I have two amazing children. My son, Hunter, will soon graduate from Kennesaw State University with a degree in business. My daughter, Lydia, is a student at Calhoun High School. My kids and I love traveling and spending time with friends and family. 

I am thankful and honored to be blessed to work with the children of Sugar Valley Baptist Church. I look forward to the fun we will have, the memories that we will make, and seeing how families are touched and changed as we worship Jesus and learn about Him together